Wednesday, 14 February 2018



Take a moment. Have a thought. Is your mind free of negativity? Is your mind haunted by negative vibes? If so how often? Are you aware of how negativity is manipulating your thoughts, actions and life style? Continue reading if you are not sure.

First of all, let us consider the effect of news on our mind set. Think of the time when you pick up the news paper. What is the first thing that catches your attention? What is the one thing you want to read to satisfy your curious mind? In other words, what is your mind most intrested and curious about, other than your favourite tabloids? Is it about how the little children are taking part in school dance programmes, elderly couple winning a couple  show, a surgeon completing 100 successfull surgeries, articles on global peace.. Or does your mind tend to pick up news about how little children were shot dead in a school, elderly couple being abandoned without support, a surgeon who could not save a patient, articles on possibility of nuclear war between nations in future..

Most likely to most of us, it is the negative news that catches our attention first. You might deny it. But if you sit back and think about it or open the news paper tomorrow you will notice that it is true in most cases and most situations. This causes negativity to build up. We start having negative thoughts about the topic and related to the topic. For instance, we read about children being shot and we think about it and soon enough we consider thinking of the safety of our children and our loved ones. We read about a death during surgery and we conclude surgeries are not safe. Further such thoughts will lead to fear or anxity atleast to some level if not significant always. And often we might gaurd our actions that are related to it. For instance we might postpone or even avoid getting a surgery after reading about an ontable death of a similar case.

One of the reason behind this might be the preferences given to various kind of news. A heart wrenching story or a nerve wrecking incident are always the priority of news. They always occupy the headlines. The little happy things occupy small columns in the corners. Hence our mind is trained to pick up and prioritize things in that manner. Secondly, we tend to ignore the positive news thinking that its a good thing if it happens to us. There is nothing to worry about it. But we worry about being in the negative situation. We think of how helpless we would be. As this goes on for days, weeks and years, we start forgetting the little happy things and remember the big negative things. We start feeling that the world has turned to a hopeless place. The world is filled with cruel people, unfortunate events, untreatable diseases etc.

So, lets view it on the basis of reality and get rid of the negativity out of our minds. Before holding on to a news about children being shot at a school, think about the children who are learning, playing and enjoying in all other schools over years. They are much more in number. Before being dejected about a traffic accident you witnessd, consider the other millions of vehicles that made it safe accross the roads. They are numerous. Before pointing at one death during surgery, look at the miraculous number of surgeries and treatment that brought back the crippled and near dead to life. They form the major part. Hence if you reconsider the facts, in reality, the major part of the world is filled with positive things like happiness, success and miracles. Its the world inside our minds that is inverted. So from now on, let us ignore the details of negatives and search for the details of positives..

To be continued..                                   -Sowmya


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